ItsyRV wrote:
The issue some have with these "any network provider" Medicare Advantage "nationwide" plans are in some parts of the country, there are too few providers let alone any specialist. Even when there are providers, the next available appointment for non in-state enrolled patient is a month or more out. Humana, like all "networked" Advantage plans is provider deserts, no provider within any reasonable travel distance. Yes, you may be able to go out of network in some cases and have a portion covered, but often they use the network requirement for coverage as an excuse to deny payment.
I don't think is really a case of "gambling", more like a careful needed evaluation of risk vs rewards. For the rewards of saving substantial money, can you tolerate the risk of a possible no or denied coverage and expense?
I understand the concern and it is a valid point. So I picked a small town in the area where I plan to spend the Summer next year, Franklin NC. It's only about 4,000 people. There are no other big cities near it. I went to Humana's provider search page. I selected the Medicare PPO. There are about 20 Family practice doctors and about 20 specialists in network in the small town of Franklin. I'm surprised there are so many doctors in a town of 4,000, but that's good.
And if I need a hospital the Angel Medical Center in Franklin is in network. I looked at their website and their facility seems large, modern, professional. The plan even has psychiatric care in the area if I go crazy. :-) Finally, I'm not going to choose places to visit based on how close they are to a plethora of doctors and hospitals. If I'm that frightened of a medical emergency I should give up full time RV life and go back to Dallas, or at least find an RV park close to a medical center in a large city and live there until I die.