eddiemac66 wrote:
I just began full-timing and while in Florida last winter I joined up with a Medicare group that seemed real good. They actually paid my monthly fee to SS and gave me real good service. The fly in the ointment is the fact that they want me to stay in the florida area (their area) at least 6 months out of the year to receive this service. Is this commonplace or what? What do other full timers do?
Go to a "UPS Store" in Florida and get a po box from them. They don't require residency DL's to get one like the Gov Post Office does and they provide you with a real 'address'.
Have your medicare info sent to that Florida address and then you can maintain that group service.
The UPS Store will forward your mail when ever you need it. Note: this is NOT the post office. They have all the services of a post office but it is 'privately' owned and provide you with a real address. Locations are all over.