Forum Discussion

RVcrazy's avatar
Dec 03, 2013

Memberships worth it or not?

We are planning on fulltiming starting this Spring. In order to keep costs down, we are considering a campground membership in TT, KM, Sunrise or are open to other suggestions. We already know about Good Sam & PA. We already have our AB pass. We are thinking about joining the Elks. What has been your experience with your membership(s)? How much does it cost in dues or for your nightly stays? Are you able to get in when you want? Hookups? I know that there are other threads on this topic and I've read most of them. Now, we are looking for compare/contrast experiences with the various memberships. Can you quit if you decide you don't want it anymore, or are you stuck until you find someone else to buy it? Thanks!
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    Memberships are worth it if you buy resale and most of the parks are in areas that work for you. My yearly Sunrise dues are recovered in about 10 to 12 nights. You can't beat that, specially if you're a full timer or seasonal RVer.

    If you're interested in Sunrise, feel free to PM for more details.
  • Works for Us..We fulltime almost exclusively in our Thousand Trails and ROD Parks. Winter and fall in TT in Southern CA. Spring and summer in the TT parks up the CA, OR, & WA coast with a little variety using our ROD staying in the Sunrise, K&M and other Parks.
  • My KOA membeship was included with my road help insurance. Total of about $100 per year.I just booked a week at KOA in Florida. The discounted rate is a bit less than the nearby campgrounds Savings for the week is about $ 23. My estimate is $11
    For the week compared to a non KOA. The road help policy covers my truck too even without the TT and anything I drive. No I do not work for the road help company.
    Look at the terms for the memberships. The discounted rates do not usually include rates for longer stays such as monthly.
  • Mandalay Parr wrote:
    I had one membership. Didn't work for me. Never again.
    I do my own thing. Stay month at a time for best rates.

    X2 (We tried 2 )
  • I had a couple of them and found they either didn't have CGs where we wanted to stay, or the timing was off. Many have the "deals" during Mon thru Thurs, but not during a holiday, and only if you reserve so far ahead that it's unreasonable (the way we travel). We don't own any now.
  • We have used membership parks (not GS, PPA, KOA - those are discount plans not true membership plans) for years and save thousands each year. The key is we use them. If you travel on the west coast, then you can really save money. If you are on the east coast, not so much. Also, if you only do monthly stays then these aren't for you, but if you like to use those tires under your RV, then membership parks can be a good investment.

  • I bought every one that was available when I hit the road full time. Didn't or couldn't use them.

    It really depends on HOW you full time. Traveling around most don't work because they have SO MANY restrictions, I.E. Which day, what time, what month, what year, what color the sky is on that day to get a free day or reduced rate.!!

    So if you are one of those that plan your life a month in advance maybe you might luck out on using the memberships that have all the restrictions. Just didn't work for 'my' style of RV'ing.

    As far as GS goes in the last few years I kept running into CG's with the GS logo that didn't offer the discount anymore OR they claimed it was 'already' in the posted CG rate. :R

    The only one I DO use is KOA. It is what it is and if the the CG is a KOA you get the discount. And I just love their simple catalog with all their CG's across the USA. Great maps/directions, and phone numbers that actually work. Which after a few years full timing traveling I seek out and stay at KOA's when they are available in the area.
  • I had one membership. Didn't work for me. Never again.
    I do my own thing. Stay month at a time for best rates.