Thanks for your replies everyone. After a lot of thought I decided it would be smarter and much more feasible to live at a park. And just for the record, I'm not mooching off my mom and support my daughter and myself in any and every way I can. I have a job and have graduated from vocational school. Im just in a tough spot in my life right now and my mom has been my saving grace. I'm not above getting assistance, but there isn't much help for my particular situation. I'll save you my life story but if there are any resource out there, I've probably already looked into them. I'm not one to sit on my butt and wait for things to happen or expect anyone to take care of me, but I am forever grateful of the help I've received from my family. The off-grid opportunity would have been, well, a better opportunity if I weren't looking at having sewage and hookups put in on undeveloped land. That obviously raises the price a bit. If I would have been going truly off-grid, it would have only been $125/month, but I knew I wouldn't be able to swing that having no experience living without electricity, etc. You all are right though, the price and everything else to consider opposed to the park just wasn't a good deal. The concept of the whole idea is what reeled me in but I've accepted that this wasn't the right opportunity for me and my daughter. I'll just have to hold out for my dream a little longer :)