The first thing to nail down is how much power you typically use in a day. Here's a downloadable spreadsheet calculator for that purpose:
Quartzfest calculator.
With the numbers derived for your power use, you can then figure how many solar modules you'll need and how much battery capacity to have. Things that will influence that are location, roof real estate, shade issues, and budget.
Everyone's needs are different and there isn't one solar solution that works for everyone. FWIW, I have a trailer with 0 parasitic loads, no circuit boards or alarms to feed. All lights are LED's. No furnace fan. My solar system basically powers a small residential fridge, entertainment devices, a water pump, and two or three small fans. I power that with a single 235W module, a 1000W PSW inverter, and 300 amp hours of batteries. I don't use hair dryers, toasters, electric coffee makers, or other high-watt devices. I'm waiting on a Forum member that is installing a slightly bigger system and is trying to run a 5K BTU AC window shaker. If he's successful, I may upgrade my system to accomplish the same.
Good luck with your solar planning. Solar is a great way to camp/live off the grid.