Forum Discussion

Dave_From_AK's avatar
Nov 10, 2014

Online ordering hassles

We have been fulltiming for over 12 years now, and we have ordered hundreds of items online during that time. I ran in to a brand new set of hoops today.

On Saturday, I ordered an RC plane from This morning I received an email with the following:

Thank you for your order.
Due to our fraud protection policy, we require the following items to be emailed to us at for our review:

* Photocopy of credit card used for this transaction (front and back of card)

* Photocopy of ID showing name and address, Drivers License or Passport preferred.

* Photocopy of your credit card statement (we do not need to see the transactions, we look for the address information to match your ID, and the card information to match your credit card)

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we have had to institute these requirements to combat fraud.
Reference your order number when sending your information. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Even if I were foolish enough to send that kind of sensitive information via email, it probably wouldn't satisfy them once they saw my Alaska drivers license, Texas billing address, and California ship-to address for this order.

No big deal. I'll just order elsewhere, but I thought it was surprising that a large vendor would ask for that kind of documentation.
  • Update:

    When I received the email this morning, I replied, telling them that we were fulltime RVers with AK drivers licenses and a TX billing address, in addition to the CA ship-to address. I told them that I wasn't going to send that sensitive financial information over email.

    I just received a reply from them:

    Ok Dave,
    Sorry about the inconvenience. I will go ahead and release the order to ship to the California address.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime and thank you for choosing


    Customer Service Specialist

    All's well.
  • Do they accept PayPal?

    That's WAY too much information for anyone person than you to have on one place.
  • Dave From AK wrote:
    We have been fulltiming for over 12 years now, and we have ordered hundreds of items online during that time. I ran in to a brand new set of hoops today.

    On Saturday, I ordered an RC plane from This morning I received an email with the following:

    Thank you for your order.
    Due to our fraud protection policy, we require the following items to be emailed to us at for our review:

    * Photocopy of credit card used for this transaction (front and back of card)

    * Photocopy of ID showing name and address, Drivers License or Passport preferred.

    * Photocopy of your credit card statement (we do not need to see the transactions, we look for the address information to match your ID, and the card information to match your credit card)

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we have had to institute these requirements to combat fraud.
    Reference your order number when sending your information. Please contact us if you have any questions.

    Even if I were foolish enough to send that kind of sensitive information via email, it probably wouldn't satisfy them once they saw my Alaska drivers license, Texas billing address, and California ship-to address for this order.

    No big deal. I'll just order elsewhere, but I thought it was surprising that a large vendor would ask for that kind of documentation.

    Not only is it enough info to prove your identity, it is enough info to steal your identity... be careful
  • Quite frankly, I would NOT give them all those copies!!!!! They're asking for too much...and it might compromise your security! Nope, find another place. It's been known to have someone hijack a business' web page. So be careful! BTW -- DH has ordered a # of items for fixing up our "new to us" RV in the last month. NONE of the businesses have asked for all that info!
  • We've not had that problem, but our Escapee address IS the address on our cards anyway. To date, though, I've had no issue having items sent directly to whatever RV park we're at.
  • From the website:

    "Important: In our attempts to combat fraud, we can only ship to the credit card holder's billing address. Please ensure you list the billing address exactly as it appears on your credit card statement or it may be declined by our merchant bank.

    We screen diligently for credit card fraud! We pursue all legal avenues - advise credit card companies, credit bureaus, and law authorities regarding any suspicious, attempted, or experienced credit card fraud."

    TX billing address and CA shipping address threw 'red flag'
    But then not to supply the info requested due to lack of secure method (e-mail) and it could be 'phishing e-mail' that has nothing to do with

    Might want to contact via toll free # 1-800-705-2215 (Toll-Free) and inquire???
  • I guess they are trying to avoid the Target/Home Depot fiasco situation.
  • way too much fraud and credit card information being stolen today! They just want to be sure it is you ordering something. I am glad places take time to ask for id or check me out!