pianotuna wrote:
Hi MCIbus,
You have the right idea--but it is backwards. Butane has a higher boiling point than propane (-1 C for butane, and -42 C for propane). In the south--it doesn't matter and butane actually has more "heat content" than propane. Where it is cold it does matter.
MCIbus wrote:
During the winter butane is often mixed with propane and keeps the tanks from “freezing up”.
Yes, @pianotuna, and salt has both higher melting/freezing and boiling points than water, but the mixture has a lower melting/freezing point than either.
While I do not know about the addition of butane as claimed by @MCIbus, I do know that the claimed benefit would be a function of the MIXTURE rather than of the individual components thereof, just as it is with salt and water.