Forum Discussion

Dano1955's avatar
Mar 23, 2016

Pulled the trigger on the Full time Life

5th Wheel, Prime Time Crusader Lite 27RK (Single Slide floor plan). Planning on leaving for Quartzite, AZ mid-late September through February as my 1st half of 1st year. Then, one (maybe two) months in a New Mexico state park (will decide when I'm on the way on that), then back to Colorado, Wyoming, MT, Idaho for the last six months. Not all of those, just some. Colorado for sure as my home base because family is here, but want to spend more than a week seeing Yellowstone. My son and I used to go there every year for 5 years by ourselves when he was little (for a week). We had cram in the tourist stuff and not really get off the pavement much. Going to rectify that, at least for myself.

Anyway, pretty Psyched, had to tell someone, my little dog Jasper did't seem interested :D

If anyone has spent a winter or at least some time during the winter in Quartzite any suggestions, ideas, places to see etc. would be appreciated. Thanks
  • So much to see in Arizona. Get your passport if you don't have and go into Mexico down by Yuma. That's a fun time. Go on google and do a search for "what to see in Arizona"...or whatever state you are interested in. Do you like rockhounding? Whether you do or not, check out Quartzsite's gem and mineral club. Very economical to join and cheap classes in leatherwork, rock cutting, jewelrymaking, etc. See you in the fall. We'll be there in Oct.
  • If you've never been to Quartzsite I wouldn't commit to 5 months right away. It's quite different. :) Since you plan to be there in September (still hot, by the way) there's plenty of time to look the place over to see if you want to stay that long then if you want to stay in one of the RV parks rather than long-term boondocking, you'll have plenty of time to make a reservation since you'll be there already.

    Have fun with your new lifestyle! We certainly did.
  • Will see you in Quartzsite. I would recommend Cedar Cove RV Park in Elephant Butte NM. I stay there often.
    State parks only allow a 14 day stay. So have to move a lot.
    Q has a website with all the info you want. Better make a reservation soon. The RV parks fill up especially in January. Course you can always dry camp in the desert like many thousands do.

    Call me if you wish.
  • Sounds like a good plan... Jasper will get more interested as time goes on with all the new sniffs and adventures. Have is the jouney, not the destination...