I have to agree with others. If you just want protection in the RV get a shotgun with the shortest barrel or barrels you can find. Shoot it (somewhere safe of course)so you will know what happens when you pull the trigger and to get experience in putting the shot where you want it to go. It is great for point and shoot but repetition will help to allow skills to take over under stress. Take a hunter safety course. This will help protect you from yourself. I never felt the need to have a weapon until a couple of years ago. It took a lot for me to change my mind. I went to the range and rented several guns before finding what I was comfortable with. Bought weapon, ammo and practiced a lot. Took training for safety. I continue to train regularly which is very important with a handgun. Even drawing the gun practice is important. The responsibility is huge. I hope I never need it but I also know that if my or my families life is truly in danger; I am prepared. Shotguns are much cheaper all around, easier to hit what your shooting at, and performs the same job. If you do guy a firearm, always and I do mean always treat it as loaded. More people are shot by unloaded guns than you can imagine. You really need to think what is best for you before you do anything. GO to a range, rent some guns of different types and both you and your wife, with the help of staff, should fire the weapons. You will know, what to do from there. Your decision may be nothing.