Forum Discussion

phoenixbound's avatar
Mar 28, 2019

RV Park Fees


I am new to the forum and I apologize if this topic has been covered before, but still need to ask. My wife are in the planning stages of becoming ful time RV'ers. How much should be realistically budgeted for monthly RV Park fees for camping mostly in the Southwest? I see a lot of variance in price per month at the parks and we are just trying to estimate what we should allow. Thanks
  • Info from Oregon Coast.

    Ft. Stevens State Park...full hook ups $38 per night during peek season
    Directly across the street is a KOA. $70+ per night.
  • Join Thousand Trails, purchase the membership and and pay $585 a year and stay every night in an RV park at no additional cost.

    I'm not a Thousand Trails member but I've read a ton about it. When we go full time I'll be a Thousand Trails member.

    Depending on how often you stay in the TT parks your daily costs will be in the $3-$5 range.
  • Think about the location of the campground. If you are a ways out of town and like to see the sights and day trips you may be using extra fuel to do so. On a few occasions my fuel costs on a daily basis exceeded the cost of the campground.
  • I would budget at least $400 per month with the understanding that some months may be much higher. Some months we have spent as much as $900 for the month (not a monthly rate), but other months we have spent as little as $100. The great thing about full timing is if you start going over budget all you have to do is stop moving for a while. Campground fees and Fuel budgets go hand and hand as a full timer. Campground fees and fuel budgets can both be brought back in line by sitting for a little while.
  • If I throw out one number for a month I'd say plan on $500. You can find stuff as cheap as $600 for a YEAR at places like coyote howls or upper end places at $600. I never stay by the month and just about always boondock but $350 to $400/$450 would probably be common
  • Thanks for the response. I would say we will be looking to stay mostly outside of large cities. We will stay at least one month at most locations.We would need the usual amenities water, sewer, and electric. WiFi would be nice, but not required. Thanks again for the help.

    wanderingaimlessly wrote:
    Am not full timing yet but some questions I know will come up?
    What level of amenities are you in need of?
    Staying in one location a month or more, or moving frequently?
    In cities, or more remote small town/ranch locations?
    With these questions answered folks can give you a better response.
  • Am not full timing yet but some questions I know will come up?
    What level of amenities are you in need of?
    Staying in one location a month or more, or moving frequently?
    In cities, or more remote small town/ranch locations?
    With these questions answered folks can give you a better response.