Forum Discussion

brookside's avatar
Jan 08, 2017

Setting Up Domicile In AZ

We are a family of 3 adults (2 - 62 years and 1 - 30 yo with DS) which is making a choice of a domicile very difficult, not to mention 2 larger senior dogs, 11+.

The big 3, with TX & FL have years of waiting for services for our son and we realizing we won't be able to care for him forever and SD requiring us to perjure ourselves by considering our "home" just won't work. We considered buying into a co-op, most are 55+ and limit the RV site to only 2 adults and some not allowing larger dogs. So, without dumping our son and dogs.......

So, we are looking at just moving to AZ as we lived there for 6 years. We don't want to buy property or rent anything more than an RV lot and want to be free to move around the state with the weather and leave for "vacation" periods. My husband has come across a service that offers a physical address and mail forwarding and technically that would work.

We just have so many limitations and are determined to do this as we are just waiting for the weather to improve enough to leave our present location.

We now realize that most retirement communities of any type will block us because of the three adults, many volunteer programs that offer an RV site also only allow 2 adults, some would consider the 3 but I got the feeling that would be if they were desperate.

I have asked this on the Escapee website also and not many ideas as most don't have these challenges. We belong to the Escapees and have for years but it appears at this point that the club membership has nothing to offer, the club has changed over the years.

I am sort of wondering about FL and changing later but using Good Sam mail service, so any input on that would be appreciated.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated as we brainstorm this. Thank you
  • Thanks DC&MC. We also noticed that some of the smaller towns in the area had RV lots/sites for sale, larger ones with some already set up with utilities on the lots.
  • DC_MC's avatar
    Explorer III
    If you want AZ you might try the Foothills area of Yuma. There are lots of privately owned lots with RV hookups for rent every season.
  • Hi Brookside,

    Sounds as though you have many challenges. I believe I can give you some comfort because I have traveled the country and have a business so one address was SO important. I have never tried Escapees but turned away from them because of the challenges of having a Class A rig and the State of Texas requirements with Class A motorhomes.

    I can say this, I have used Good Sam Mail for over 8 years, it is incredibly easy and light years ahead of the others. When I get mail I simply go online and review the mail and delete or what I call if you were physically there, throw it away. If I need something mailed to me I simply select those pieces to be mailed to me no matter where I am in the country. It is the smartest system in mail forwarding I have ever seen.

    I use to have a virtual office until I found Good Sam Mail. Good Sam Mail cut that cost down and is far more sophisticated but super simple to use.

    Happy to help and wish you the very best and a blessed 2017.

  • Thanks everyone for the ideas.

    We would plan to move to the northern part of AZ during the summer. We did spend one summer May to Sept through the monsoons and heat in a nice, new Fleetwood pop-up in 1996 in a RV park just north of Tucson, we were a lot younger though. It was the best summer we ever had! Right now, we're doing winter in KS in an RV, and I would trade it for another summer in Tucson right now!

    Our concern is the waiting list for services and nothing beyond that with our son. After looking at programs in Kansas, we will most likely have him with us for some time, so it would allow us to change domiciles or set up and live as permanent residents before it might be an issue.

    Our older son is career military so he doesn't stay put long in one place although he is looking at retirement in the next 3 or 4 years. If he were settled, we would choose an area closer to him and his family, but the intention is that our son would be in residential although my daughter-in-law actually is a nurse working in adult day care at this time.

    They now allow people like my son to have a special account "Able Account" where money can be saved for future needs without penalty to other services like Medicaid.

    We don't need an attorney to choose a domicile because of our son. Our son has been an adult for some time now and we are well versed on Medicaid services when it comes to the different states and keep up with changes. Many parent groups are starting to take action and Medicaid is listening and taking actions.
  • Rules vary considerably from place to place. I don't believe they can discriminate against you with a handicapped son. Check with the state laws and federal law.

    We are in SE FL which has a bunch of 55+ and other communities. Since we aren't welcome in those 55+ because of our age or because of our daughter we don't go there (don't want to live in one regardless). Plenty of other places, ownership parks and other types of parks that don't care. You can own, rent, short term / long term it doesn't matter. This is an area with incredibly expensive land so RV parks aren't a dime a dozen and we still have choice. Much less in AZ where land is more abundant and cheaper.

    Bottom line is do your research before you plant your root down. Backup plan is always nice so if Park A doesn't' work out while renting you can do B or C etc.

    If you find something you really like you can consider an owner park as a home base and travel from there. I'd suggest renting before buying. Keep an open mind to the area as well. If one area isnt' working check out another.
  • Considering that your son has Downs, I would be asking an Arizona attorney your question not a bunch of outhouse lawyers. This is a very complicated issue. My 54 year old SIL has Downs so I have a grasp of the issues involved.
  • I use a mail service like you described.
    There are many private RV Parks in AZ and around the country that might be ok for you.
    You might call some and explain your situation.
    You may call me if you wish.
  • While I am not trying to be mean, what type of services will the son need? I live in AZ and this state is not really friendly to anyone needing special services.