Forum Discussion

rollindownthero's avatar
Explorer II
Dec 07, 2020

Smallest RV anyone has full timed in?

I am curious as to how small an RV anyone has full timed in. How many people lived in it, how did you handle it.

I have a 28' TT, I am by myself, no pets. I have owned the TT since April and have used it for weekend getaways.
I want to retire, but am one of those that would have to work part time in order to survive. I have found a part time job, have applied for social security and will get my first check in February 2021. I start the part time job right after Christmas. I have been going through everything, getting rid of all the stuff I don't need, don't use, won't fit in the TT.

For some reason I am just a little apprehensive about everything. It's a major life change but have to do this also for some health reasons. I need to have a job that is far less stressful. My current job has caused me to have high blood pressure and increased heart rate. Need to slow down and relax.
  • I've seen where 2 people and their dog(s) fulltime in a *van*.

    Just look it up on youtube...
  • Only you can decide how much space you’ll be comfortable with. Envision a week of bad weather where you will be trapped indoors. Is the space in your TT something you’d be happy in until you recover your outdoor “living room”? Is the layout conducive to accommodating both your work and hobbies? The good thing about a little smaller rig is that you’ll be able to stay in most state and national parks if you choose. Best of Luck in the future and Merry Christmas!