Forum Discussion

janstey58's avatar
Sep 23, 2019

So Dakota Domicile

Hi All, I am ready to pull the trigger on Full Timing and plan to Domicile in So Dakota. I have been reading up on this, but dont really understand the vehicle registration. Do you have to have proof of original sales tax paid in your current state for each vehicle when it was originally purchased? And if so does that keep you from paying SD sales tax upon registration? Thx, Jeff
  • janstey58 wrote:
    Not looking for hearsay just one person that has had real world experience going through this process in SD. Thx, Jeff

    I have real world experience having my SD Domicile since 2015.

    I highly recommend contacting Dakota Post as I already said for the FACTS!
  • janstey58 wrote:
    Do you have to have proof of original sales tax paid in your current state for each vehicle when it was originally purchased? And if so does that keep you from paying SD sales tax upon registration? Thx, Jeff

    10-4. If you have proof of sales tax paid previously at 4% or greater of the vehicle's current NADA value. If not you pay 4% of the current value or the difference.
  • This is who we use (recommended by a friend who also full times) very happy with the service and Bruce the owner is very knowledgeable about all the requirements and is easy to talk to. Call him and ask your question, lots of mis info out there
    They will also take care of getting your registrations so you don't have to.
    PS let me know if you decide to use him as we get a referral!!
  • janstey58 wrote:
    Not looking for hearsay just one person that has had real world experience going through this process in SD. Thx, Jeff
    That's generally what one wants with this type of question. However you will get replies that purport to be reliable examples, and supposedly first-person accounts of how they did it.

    But the fact of the matter is that you have no idea how reliable the information you're getting really is. Do yourself a favor and bypass the unreliable and get it from the source, not second-hand.
  • Not looking for hearsay just one person that has had real world experience going through this process in SD. Thx, Jeff
  • Over the years in the past, I've moved to several different states and had several vehicles re-titled and re-licensed, Indiana, North Carolina, Missouri, back to Indiana, Massachusetts, back to Indiana, Virginia, Ohio, back to Indiana. I paid Sales tax only the first time at the state I was currently a resident of when I purchased the vehicle. When moving to the next state, I only paid for the title and registration (plates).

    Why would you pay sales tax twice? That just makes no sense at all.
  • ^^^^^^This, the last thing you want on this topic is to rely on hearsay. Get it straight from the horse's mouth.
  • Off hand I would suggest you call them to verify, but , I have moved around quite a bit due to transfers, and as long as the vehicle had been registered to me in another state previously, I was never asked for proof.