Forum Discussion

Dog_Folks's avatar
Mar 03, 2015

Time to prepare?

I read all the time about travelers preparing to enter the full time lifestyle. I appreciate their enthusiasm.

Some start preparing 1 year before “takeoff date,” some up to 10 years prior.

I know that we were unusual. We planned a year of preparation, but only got 32 days because of a very fast sale on the house. It was on the market four days, sold full price, in 8, and the buyer stipulated a move in date 20 days later.

In a way I am glad, as we did not have the time to get emotional over “stuff.” In another way, I wish we had more time to gain maximum dollars.

1. What do you think is the “average” preparation time is?
2. How far in advance is reasonable?

I am referring to entering the full time lifecycle, not retirement day.

I am not writing a book or taking a survey. Just curious.
  • Nice to see others getting ready to attempt to fulltime.

    We started late last year, maybe October? Our plan is to start around September 2016.

    Started selling everything and only have a few items plus furniture left. We're completely debt free and still working. Our goal is to buy a new DP and sell the house and then we're off.

    I think we may have started planning and dreaming early. I say this because we are starting to NOT like working and a year and a half could take it's toll on us. But, when it happens we'll be ready and since we're debt free and working, we should be able to save more money to spend while full-timing.

    Another thing, since we're 1.5yrs away, we are creating a spread sheet and tracking all of our expenses by the week, month and will roll it up to the year. We hope that this will help with budgeting while out on the road....

    Good Luck to all...

  • We started making plans about 2 years ago when Corporate suddenly bid me farewell. We knew what we wanted to do but because of uncertainties, was too afraid to pull the trigger. I took a job offer and we decided to question everything we do and only do it if it fits "the plan". We still vacation, see the kids and go out with friends but we kinda know where everything is if you know what I mean.

    Plan away, imagine what it would be like.
  • Initially, we planned for October of this year, but events and economics changed in our favor, we are now looking at about four months. DH is retiring in two months, I've a couple to do beyond that, but the new truck is purchased, the fiver is on order, and the house will be on the market right after Himself retires. We don't have much in the way of 'heirlooms', and the kids will be coming to collect the stuff they want soon. We are sorting and getting rid of stuff on a daily basis, and it is oddly freeing. Winnowing out my crafting and sewing supplies is a bit hard, but my crafting friends are all very happy to take the excess off my hands. Of course, we have been discussing and pre-planning for about three years, so we are able to execute in a shorter time frame without too much turmoil.