My Class A I never had an issue with TP due to the plumbing of the rig. I bet I could use a phone book and never have an issue. On my 5ver I have issues depending on brand because of the way the thing is plumbed. Lots of turns and flat runs before the exit point. My point is you can't trust the statement that you can use anything you want (with lots of water) from owners of rigs that are lucky enough to have rigs with straight drop plumbing runs. The plug occurs in the pipes while draining, not in the tank.
Always used Angel Soft with no problems until they came out with the new stronger version, then I got plugging on the 5'ver.
After that I switched based on Consumer Reports test:
"Softness is superb with all three toilet papers, though only the top-rated White Cloud 3-Ply Ultra Soft and Thick combines softness with superior strength and disintegration."
clickySo far no problems with the 5'ver.
On Edit:
The above statements are based on a unit that sits level prior to draining of the black tank. There is no "shaking" or "stirring" prior to pulling of the black handle.