Forum Discussion

Nutinelse2do's avatar
Oct 04, 2013

Toilet Paper :-)

Hi all. Looking for some knowledge on this subject.....
We have been rving for 20 + years and I ran across a post on this
Forum over the last couple of days that doesn't seem right.
Someone said Costco house brand tp Is ok to use in the fifth wheel toilet?
I have always used Thetford or the Scott double ply for septic tanks they sell at WM and CW.
Is it true that Costco brand disintegrates quickly or is this incorrect?
Any replies would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time on this dirty subject! :-)
  • boston blacky wrote:
    Some do and some don't. DW uses the stuff like she owns a oversize woodlot or something.

    That was funny. :B

    I think the biggest issue with TP is it gets stuck on the sensors (of course, I'm sure enough of it would p lug the toilet/drains). I've been buying "RV TP," but I'm leaning towards just using the stuff I use at home (Angel Soft, cuz here in Texas HEB Sells it cheap). I have a Tornado flush kit on the black tank, so I think it would get most of the TP out...
  • My Class A I never had an issue with TP due to the plumbing of the rig. I bet I could use a phone book and never have an issue. On my 5ver I have issues depending on brand because of the way the thing is plumbed. Lots of turns and flat runs before the exit point. My point is you can't trust the statement that you can use anything you want (with lots of water) from owners of rigs that are lucky enough to have rigs with straight drop plumbing runs. The plug occurs in the pipes while draining, not in the tank.

    Always used Angel Soft with no problems until they came out with the new stronger version, then I got plugging on the 5'ver.

    After that I switched based on Consumer Reports test:

    "Softness is superb with all three toilet papers, though only the top-rated White Cloud 3-Ply Ultra Soft and Thick combines softness with superior strength and disintegration."


    So far no problems with the 5'ver.

    On Edit:

    The above statements are based on a unit that sits level prior to draining of the black tank. There is no "shaking" or "stirring" prior to pulling of the black handle.
  • I use Costco brand at home and Scott's in the T C........purely habit. Our fiver tanks were twice a big as the camper' s and we have a flushing system. I should use the Costco stuff, but it is a 20 yo habit I suppose.....
  • Richard & Cheryl,

    The chemicals that were used in the mfg of toilet paper that were harmful to septic systems have been banished. The big problems were hydrachloric acid and formaldhyde. It is virtually impossible to buy a paper that contains any chemicals harmful to septic systems.

    How well will the TP break down easily? There is the jar of water test but the best test I have found is to use the Kirkland brand until the tank is half full while driving around the country for a few days and then empty and flush. I use a sewer solution system and can empty thru the 1" hose most of the time just using gravity. Some times the effluents need the jet of water to reduce them in size but I've never had a problem with TP.

    Lately we have been using another brand, don't remember what, but it is because the Kirkland rolls are too big for our loo. They don't fit well on the roller and the take up a lot of space.
  • We've been using Scott single-ply for the last 20 years or more. Even when we go to my DD's, I have to buy a pack because I hate her 'soft' tissue. May feel as soft as a Kleenex, but I just don't like it.

    We've had RV's with and without black tank rinsers. 1-Ply rinses down the hole and out the tank easier.