GoPackGo wrote:
The thing is - There is risk in every single thing you do. Every single thing. Even breathing has risk - you might breathe in the Ebola virus. But we try to mitigate risk so that it is manageable and acceptable. I believe that's what Bill is saying. The HTTPS sites have just about the least amount of risk possible. Use them and know that you're doing the best you can do.
I full time and use the Verizon MIFI. What is my alternative for paying my bills online if I don't use my MIFI to get on the web ?
We have several accounts at several banks - we keep minimum bucks in the one "online" and have auto-transfers at the beginning of the month, and pay bills immediately. Most bills are one day and paid, so the funds only sit for minimum hours. In addition, our funds go into the "to be paid" page for a day or two, so before it actually leaves the bank, we can see what's "on pay" for that day.
We don't often 'watch-dog' our accounts, but we can if we want to do it daily. In all our years banking online (a lot), we've never had a bank account 'filched' and never had a CC 'taken'.
We use one account for internet, and the others do not connect with one another. If we need to "do something" different than normal, then we call the bank, give our security code, and the bank does what we want when we want it done.
No one is perfectly safe for every minute of the day if you online bank. But with the safeguards in place and the "fraud" pay-back features at our bank, we feel we are not much at risk.
What small risk you have is worth the online banking convenience, in our opinion. Just use a well-known bank you trust, and well know CC institutions. Stay away from the "fly-by-night" offers at upstart companies that offer you 'deals' but no history.