hitchup wrote:
I wouldn't trust the USPS to forward our mail and only our mail ever. We've had children move out of our house and everyone in the family has mail that goes to their new address. What a nightmare. It also changed our CC and Bank addresses even though we don't get any hard copies of CC or Bank statements.
I will do just like I did when we switched to a UPS Store. About 2-3 mos before the change, I will manually change everything with the individual CC or Bank. Most are accessible online, but still takes awhile to change.
When you have more than one family living in a house and they move- a change of address has to be done PROPERLY. The proper way is for every person to file a SEPARATE change of address form.
If your name is SMITH and your son and his wife is living with you-he can't file a change of address for the SMITH family. Or, your mail will be forwarded as well.
If his name is JOHN and his wife's name is MARY then an address change is filled out separately for John Smith and then Mary Smith.
This should prevent any issues.