AuntSmurf wrote:
We would seriously consider the Southern Missouri/Northern Arkansas area. Winters aren't too brutal, and summers won't melt you entirely.
That also catches the eastern edge of Oklahoma, SE corner of Kansas, same terrain and climate, lots of resrvoirs on Arkansas River system.
I would also consider central to southern part of Mississippi, just above the Delta and coastal plain; N Carolina inland from the coast, and NE S Carolina. East Texas has a lot of similarity to these areas, and maybe better tax climate.
For a drier climate, more remote from urban America, southern New Mexico or West Texas. SE Arizona.
I've thought about living in the western mountains, but just don't care that much for mountain winters.
Grew up in Michigan, like Michigan, Wisconsin in summers, but winters are no longer the fun they were in my youth.
Lived in Central Florida for two years, thought about it when I retired, looked at property during the winter, but remembered my summers. I have a brother, several cousins living in Florida for 5-9 months of the year, but they all have northern retreats for summer.
With respect to climate, I could very well live year round in southern France, but my French would have to get much better.