Lantley wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
I have an easier solution........delete the app
WHY continue using something that you don't like :H
Exactly it's just an app. The title of this thread is a bit over the top "A Deafening Silence" Really?
I originally asked this question in a post on the 29th of May. I posted another post here later. In the interim I sent two personal messages to the "Care Team" asking for an answer.
And although this was a reasonable question it was ignored...a truly deafening silence.
As for using something or deleting it. The equation is not so simple. I have deleted it for the Battery drain issue. And while I find the App fairly pathetic, it does fill a gap and is easier to navigate than RVParky. Together with some other apps it gives me a fairly comprehensive picture of what I am looking for.
But as a stand alone Go-To needs lots of work. If the battery drain issue was being addressed I'd have kept the App. as it does fill a void in the information available.
And in my eternal optimism I keep hoping Good Sam will do SOMETHING that solves the problems with that Giant Horribly edited and composed Book...the App was my optimistic chance that that might have foolish of me to think so.