Just for grins, how long did it take before the shop broke it down for the inspector? I know when I used mine the last time, the shop received a fax and an email telling them they needed to disassemble the item so they could inspect the failed part. 2 weeks later, and the shop had not done it. It was not a CW, but I have found the longest delays are usually the shop doing the work, they drag their feet, and feel insulted that someone is going to come in and verify they know what they are doing. Once they tear it down the inspector should be able to authorize it on the spot. Which leads to problem #2, the shop will drag their feet because they have it apart, but find they will get paid the low end of the rate scale, so yours end up in the back of the shop while the full price folks move ahead first. If I were broke down, I would ask the Service Manager what the difference is between the their going rate, and what they are getting paid, and tell him you will make up the difference. My guess is you will shorten the amount of time you will be in a hotel.