To who ever gives a s..., I finally picked up my RV in Lubbock on the 2nd of this month (October) and every thing was repaired. Got back to SC Sunday morning. My last post on this site is as follows. The ESP plan really was deplorable in their treatment of their customers. After spending 30 days in Lubbock with a lot of mis-information on the dealer and ESP's part, I found out that the trip interruption plan was VERY mis-leading. To cover my expenses as they state in the policy is not the way they figure your expenses. I was sent a check for $669 to reimburse me for my 30 day break down. They only pay the $100 a day for the labor charges. For every 8 hours of labor they pay 1 day of trip interruption. I know after being informed by them I did see where it is stated in the policy, but I feel it's mis-leading. Good Sam did send me a goodwill check for $1000 but that was GS not the insurance underwriters.