tsetsaf wrote:
Been on this forum since 09 and this is a new trend. Something big has changed behind the scenes with gsra.
I am glad you posted that comment.
I am still trying to decide on which RSA plan to buy. The constant litany of complaints here, all basically the same issue, has made me very uncomfortable with GSRSA. Yet I feel GSRSA has overall the best package (IF they live up to it) But these complaints dont worry me as much as the RESPONSE to them from GSRSA.
I have become somewhat of a thorn in their side and I am sure they consider me a PITA from the rather rude response I got from ROADSERVICEGUY on my last post. This has really made me question what to do.
I plan to travel a great deal in Mexico and Canada (to Alaska). GSE claims to cover Mexico but gives NO details. Coach net puts all the disclaimers right on their site for it's Mexico coverage. This is another issue that worries me.
I believe that as a customer and a consumer it is not just my right to ask hard and probing questions and expect clear and honest answers, but it is my Responsibility to do so especially when I am PREPAYING for a service that may never get delivered.
GSRSA ROADSERVICEGUY seems to believe that I am in the pay of his competition. I am most certainly NOT.
I am simply a very good customer/Member of GSE/Camping World and am expecting nothing more than is my due as such.
And I find it very interesting that you have seen a trend here. The answers we keep getting from the head of Road Service all tend to repeat what a great job they are doing. That is in the Past. I am interested in the FUTURE and what they are doing to fix these problems.