This post is for all of the nosy hyper-judgmental GS cheerleading forum flies who are still laboring under the misconception that my original post was for their benefit. I was trying to reach Mr. Lemonis by the means available to me, and my bone to pick at the time was with him. If he chooses to be only available to regular folks by such blatant public means, then the fact that I had to do so when it wasn't really intended for the rest of you is certainly not my concern. And it is most definitely not my problem if you don't like it.
But since y'all are like rabid pit bulls who can't just give it up and leave well enough alone, and sit and wait for the resolution, like I am having to do, here you go. Chew on this for a while. Maybe it will keep you quiet.
These are pictures of my campsite since Thursday.
The RV is sheltered in this lovely uninsulated metal building (pole barn?) that makes cell phone communication and internet access sporadic at best, and blocks a signal just as well outside as it does inside. We are in Florida and the motor home's rooftop a/c is not working. The rooftop a/c sputtered and croaked on Thursday right after I had called roadside assistance to have the RV towed because the brakes had failed, but that was actually only almost as much fun as having to deal with Good Sam on Friday.
And here's our lovely patio!
I don't own a television, but for entertainment there has been this throughout the day Friday and part of Saturday: felt so privileged to finally be able to share that particular acoustic delight with Mr. Blanc this morning, although my partially blocked cell signal deprived him of the extra special effect of it going full throttle inside the metal building, right next to the RV.
When one has chronic migraines this sound is, shall we say, less than soothing. It also does not go particularly well with the first coffee in the morning.
Look, there is a pool in the side yard. Look inviting?
This sweet dog whom I rescued from a truck stop in the first place is so terrified of that "dyno" noise that he has a seizure every time they fire it up.
And this very old blind girl is confused by these surroundings and is refusing to eat.
I was originally informed and believed on Thursday that I could expect to have repairs completed Friday or Saturday at the latest, and would be leaving this scenic resort today. And I was perfectly ok with that on Friday morning. Instead, I was told a little later on Friday morning that I was getting a complimentary extension on my stay courtesy of the Good Sam ESP, presumably until "Tuesday or Wednesday". When they said Free Camping, this was not what I expected. I could personally deal with the inconvenient conditions, but what this extended version is doing to my furkids is unforgiveable. It got to 90 degrees in the RV, and they really don't want to be "out there" but I found some large fans out in the shop that I was able to turn on for them.
Since you all THINK you are so good at doing so, I will let you fill in the blanks as to Gee Why That Might Be, and why, by Friday night when I posted here I was madder than a wet hornet.
Although to be sure, even this is only HALF of the story, and this isn't even the good part. The reason for the delay is what is entirely inexcusable. Oh but I'm leaving that part out completely. I want to ensure that if any of you are inclined to continue to speculate about none of your business that you will continue to get it completely wrong.
Also, I promised not to go full bore on a war path until Monday, which includes the inexcusable reason for the delay, IF this matter isn't resolved at that time, but I feel that it very well might be.
Monday is also when I will find out if I lost my job or not which I was originally supposed to start on Friday, and then had to tell them Monday, and now have to tell them "Wednesday or Thursday", because I still have half a day of driving ahead of me as well to get there.
Oh yes! I was finally able to speak to Mr. Blanc, when the sound of the dyno stopped, but alas not in time for him to be able to pull any rabbits out of a hat to "git 'er done" so that I could get to my job "by Monday". Because the reason the sound of the dyno stopped was because all of the mechanics went home for the day.
So since it's not Monday yet, and the other shoe hasn't dropped yet, this is not "the whole story". In fact, this isn't even really the heart of my complaint. This is simply the result of the call center talking heads failing to put me in touch with the correct person in a timely manner in the first place. Had they not been so helpless and clueless, this entire post might not even exist, a simple timely conversation might have gotten the entire thing resolved with minimal inconvenience. Instead it took about 24 hours and a public posting to be able to have the conversation I needed to have, but by the time I was able to have that conversation, it happened too late to be very useful.
Unfortunately, instead of being on the road like I was informed and should be and arriving at my job site right now like I should be, instead I am stuck here, which I am positive you kooky sadists find amusing. But apparently somebody failed to consider what I might do with all this time on my hands.
But in the meantime, I have a migraine and don't care to be bothered with the ongoing drivel and email SPAM good grief from various busy bodies that this post has generated. I thought I had too much time on my hands, but you all need to go get a life of your own. If you don't work there and Good Sam is really the center of your existence I can only feel sorry for you. Well. On second thought. Actually. No I can't. Thankfully I can unsubscribe from the notifications of your nonsense. Or you could quit trolling my thread. But I suspect that if you have been, that you probably can't or won't.
Oh and by the way, sorry to disappoint whomever hoped to hurt my feelings if you want to block me or if "you don't want to meet me". I'm not sure what part of "I don't care" you don't get. Weeweewee all the way home if you don't like what I said. Captain Obvious says this was not intended to be a social invitation and, none of you seem to be the sort of people I would ever hang out with in the first place. For sure, you are all far too up in none of your business to be able to hang with me.