flyinguy68 wrote:
msmith1199 wrote:
roman traveler wrote:
Rejoycefree, I am very sorry to hear of your situation. The only thing you did wrong is try to tell "the rest of the story". You have to keep it short even though it means leaving out important details. If you look at the profiles of the negative respondents you will find that they have anywhere from 1500 to 15,000 posts. They sit in front of their computer all day long reading and dissecting everyone's posts never offering anything constructive. I believe another poster a while back named them "key board commandos". I wish you all the best and don't let them beat you down. You spoke your piece, let them think what they want. I would suggest any further communication be private with GSRA. Again, all the best.
And here's the fun of an internet forum. If you make your complaint in public then others that use the forum get to reply whether they agree with you or not. The OP has a legitimate gripe, she's just taking it too far. People have the right to point that out. And I for one have over 12,000 posts, but you'll note that is over 12 years. That does not equal spending "all day" on the computer.
I probably have less than 50 posts, and I agree 100% with everything msmith has stated. While the OP has a lot of unfortunate issues, they are not relevant to the ERS response or lack thereof once the OP told the call taker that they were safe. Terms like "Drama Queen" come to mind. The info about hepatitis and tattoo's is TMI.
Thank you. I'm really not trying to be critical of the OP and I'm not even one of the ones that doesn't believe her story. I believe it probably happened exactly as she says it happened. My only criticism is she can't blame Good Sam for the medical issues. Good Sam is a towing service, not a medical provider. Complain about the real grievance and don't blame them for something that they were not responsible for.