Hey there everybody. I just dropped by to read latest posts. lizzie, isn't it often the case that your credibility is attacked because of your age?
In my case, I admit to frustration and impatience with critical readers of my post. This event unfolded over weeks. Before leaving NM, during the trip to Mayo Clinic, the time spent in JAX FL, then on the return trip to NM interrupted by an incident in Ardmore OK, then the final phase of the road trip back to NM. Then there are the circumstances involving ER trips immediately following reaching HOME in Albuquerque, medical issues galore, the continued suffering of my husband as I type this post.
Today, my husband is scheduled for another paracentesis. Mayo Clinic drained 11.8 liters in a ONE week interval. This time, there are more than 11.8 liters to be drained. Somebody out there knows what I am talking about and how painful and dangerous this is, don't you? Tell the public what this is like, would you?
I could take this post on a precise timeline, but that simply will never do. YOU don't have time, nor do I. For instance, just one tiny instance; We were on the phone with GS for a few hours while they kept us on hold! Imagine that if you will. Then our cell phone would drop. GS did indeed call back to put us on hold. Pam, the GS rep, pointed out to us that we only called TWICE which may be true, but we were on HOLD with GS for hours telling them my husband needs to get his legs elevated quickly. We've already told GS we are on a return trip from JAX Mayo Clinic & we've explained the medical issues already. Finally GS says "won't tow our truck until tomorrow and apologizes for our situation. We practically beg GS for help. We are in a strange place not having access to information, but started trying to find tow trucks or any service to help us by way of our cell phone. My husband doesn't want ER in a strange location. Can anyone understand his fear? However, my fingers were already dialing 911 when a stranger appears with a heavy chain to drag us into town.
We do have the camper to hide the toilet facility my husband needs due to the lactulose he needs or else? Anybody out there know about lactulose? Please explain to readers, because I don't want to go into detail.
There are so many more details, but look how long it took me to relate just those few hours? I'll bet my explanation is severely insufficient for some, yet totally recognizable by others. I bet more questions will pop up over my inability to give minute detail. I have tried not to monopolize this thread or anybody's time. WE took every precaution we knew, to be prepared for this roadtrip. GS was part of the plan that made us feel we could endure it safely. It was our BIG mistake to think that we could rely on anybody but ourselves, wasn't it?
I need to go to medical school to learn to perform surgery MYSELF, rather than rely on others, right? My attempt at being facitious or whatever, sorry!
Can you readers not fill in between the lines when I say prepared for the roadtrip; such as by having our vehicle thoroughly inspected by a certified mechanic and adjustments made or repairs done BEFORE WE started our roadtrip? And why would we choose by road rather than by plane or why would we choose JAX Mayo Clinic in the first place? Please intelligent readers, you know you can imagine the answers to all the possible questions out there. So, would you readers who have had this experience yourselves, can you not fill in the gaps for some of the readers who are unable to imagine why we made our difficult choices? I am monopolizing too many peoples time and too much post space - yet not making things clearer I suppose.
I have made myself transparent. You have so much info on me because I have not tried to hide myself. You have my permission to search records for my rap sheet or a driving violations record, but there isn't anything there. I don't steal or cheat anybody. I have nothing to fear from the law as I am a law-abiding citizen always! I have always tried to merely endure injustices or injury in silence. But this time, I thought maybe YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED enough to try to ensure your own safety and the safety of your loved ones.
Well, true to my nature, I am rambling. I apologize, and I am out of time now. Got to take my husband to the hospital for his Paracentesis! So long folks. Guard yourselves well. Joyce