To answer your question on Ontario, Coast does not own nor operate any of our affiliated resorts, so we are reliant on independent developers to build or purchase/open resorts that affiliate with us. Coast continues to support new resort growth, and we have seen our current developers add new resorts over the past several years. We have had a developer purchase a resort in the area near the New York/Canadian border, and I have walked the resort myself, but it will need work before it is reopened. Regarding Myrtle Beach, we regret that Cypress Camping Resort decided to drop their affiliation with Coast after one year. We continue to speak with them, and hope they decide to reaffiliate with Coast. To the point on ratings, Coast is the only company in the membership camping business that provides ratings for all of our resorts. We pay the Good Sam Directory rating teams to rate our resorts, and combined with member feedback, we strive to maintain a quality resort system. If I can answer any more questions feel free to repost or email me at