I do understand the frustration.......break downs on side of road can be a real pain not to mention having wife and toddler on side of roadway....dangerous!
But in reality.....it was your fault.
Tires should be aired properly when cold BEFORE leaving
Tires should be inspected for bulges/sidewall cracks/damage BEFORE leaving
Tire age should be known (DOT code on sidewall---usually inside sidewall so you have to crawl under and find it. 4 digit code ie:3711---37th week of 2011)
Any tire older than 5 yrs. of age should be suspect and replaced
Out fit rig with spare tire and check it's pressure routinely
Sorry for your troubles BUT you should be prepared to safe guard your family
Fortunately all worked out this time and you will be better informed/prepared for that next trip.
Coachnet seems to get better reviews for service/coverage.