BillB800si wrote:
Tequila wrote:
Since we are on the subject of officials being murdered (in this case a mayor) i have to wonder why BillB800si has not started a thread in the Snowbird section on officials being murdered in the US in the Snowbirds section. For example, in the Snowbird haven of Texas. Better avoid Texas. After all it has as much to do with RVing safety as his post.
Maybe I missed it over there.
Texas official murdered. RVers in danger.
I wonder how long my post would last in that section if I started a thread on this over there to try & scare off tourists to Texas?
Somebody want to start a thread there titled Texas Safety with the link above and give it a try. i woudl give it 10 minutes.
Hey, sarcasm will get you nowhere sourpuss. Cartel murders in Mexico are in the news constantly... You want to visit Mexico- be my guest. Just don't go whining to the U.S. Embassy if you get in trouble..
No I am not a sourpuss, I just don't appreciate trolls, and I was not being sarcastic. I just wonder what your motivation is for the post? Every now and again we have a couch surfer come into this section to try and tell us we are all crazy, and nobody here appreciates it. Whether you are one, I don't know.
99% of people posting here RV in Mexico and are comfortable with it. Most of us feel safer here than we do in a lot of parts of the US. The fact a mayor was murdered is no more scary than a DA being murdered in Texas. Quite a few American & Canadians have even put kids & grand kids in school in Mexico where its safer than Connecticut.
If you feel safer in the US, that is your loss. The rest of us enjoy being in Mexico. Have you ever taken your RV into Mexico? If not, then you really do not have any authority on opinion regarding it.
Try it sometime or use a caravan if you are wary. You will be pleasantly surprised. I guarantee it. Then you will be negatively reacting to the next
"Jobs Comforter" dropping by here.