I read all this info with a keen interest. This and other threads on the same topic. I have a good reason:
I am trying to learn for myself just what is and what is not allowed. I am trying to get accurate info for my brother, who just sold his house in Cabo and will need to drive his pickup and cargo trailer home to Canada, where he owns a home in BC.
Now I don't want to hijack this or any other thread on the topic, but do any of you know if it is even possible to drive from the Baja through the US to cross into Canada. The projected time would likely be in March. The planned entry is through Tijuana, and to drive up the Oregon coast through Washington state and into BC.
I feel concerned that he may run into issues here, needing to isolate in the US perhaps, if he can even cross.
Obviously, he will do his homework first and contact the necessary agencies, get his paperwork in order etc.