mexicoruss wrote:
no matter where you go you will be a victim ..... poor babies smart dont be a dumass....... good grief!
A lot of people of said they still love Mexico but conditions have changed in Mexico that have led them to rethink their trips down. Nothing is wrong with that. You are in Mexico Light so what you experience and/or offer is different than Villa Corona, an off the path location or Real Mexico offer. You don't have to deal with the border crossing hassle that is required to go into Real Mexico. Visiting Rocky Point does not requiring purchasing over priced fuel as most RVs can reach RP with the fuel purchased in USA and return. You don't have any tolls (yet) to RP which nearly doubles your per mile cost of travel into Real Mexico. The road to RP is built to USA standards which is not the norm in the rest of Mexico. Our livelihood is not dependent on the tourist & RVer so we can be very objective. Do hope you have a very profitable season as Mexico needs every successful business and business person it has. It is like the saying, "I love you but I am not in love with you", so the divorce goes forward.
rocmoc n AZ/Mexico