Going back to the original post in this thread. I do think the cost of traveling in Mexico is a huge factor - at least it is for us. Not that many years ago we show in our log book that we were paying about 7 pesos for a liter of diesel. That came out to about $1.80US - at the same time fuel in the US was averaging well over $4.00 per gallon. Some RV parks in Mexico now base what they charge on how much RV parks in the US charge even though they do not provide the amenities we find in the US - with electricity being one - and good water another - the list goes on. We used to save money when we went to Mexico. We don't save now. But we still enjoy the adventure and the places we visit and the culture we experience. It certainly is not for everyone. And even those who go to Mexico go for different reasons - some are beach people - some are history buffs - some are foodies - that list goes on too. So for us what it all comes down to is how much things cost and how much we are willing to spend for them. We have cut back on all our traveling in both Mexico and the US - and Canada - due to costs and how much our budget can stand. For us there really is no other factor that figures into our travel than cost. We go to Mexico because we have experienced so many wonderful places and wonderful people and wonderful experiences. As long as our budget allows and our bodies can take it we will continue to travel wherever the spirit moves us.