There is so much money in the USA corruption largely goes unnoticed. justice? Try getting a traffic ticket then fight it. You're going to get a guilty until proven innocent runaround that will cost you hundreds if not a thousand dollars.
"They stole everything! But later the cops got them. I got nothing returned but that's OK in my book." Life is so much better where there is "justice".
Prevention is the key. I keep harping this. Prevention, not revenge, not hiding under your bed. Making a personal judgement that affects only you, by reading, distilling and biasing perception via overall news media accounts is just plain "unintelligent".
A person is a thousand times more likely to perish via a head-on with a KenMex truck that they would via gang violence.
I live in Michoacan. I live exactly in the BULLSEYE of perceived problems in Michoacan. Dead center between Caleta de Campos, La Mira and Playa Azul. Boogieman Land. Try as I might I cannot hear the rattle of gunfire on a dead quiet night. Furtive figures do not lurk in the orchards, Charles Manson with a sombrero does not try and shoot the doorknobs off my casita with a .44 magnum.
PERCEIVED reality frequently is a hell of a lot different from the real thing.
99% of the people buried in those clandestine fosas are bad people. The criminals are engaged in high-speed Darwinism. Anyone stupid enough to think it is "macho" to carry a "cuerno" and rob and kill themselves need to be seeing tree roots. If it takes 500,000 or a million gangster's deaths to thin the herd then let it be. I am concerned only with the innocent.
Mexico because of no public pressure to change the system got caught with her shorts down around her ankles. Think there are MORE corrupt politicians now than there was thirty or fifty years ago? Better rethink things. The internet and higher stakes are allowing the scum to float to the surface faster.
The country has got a long way to go with reforms. But the big bag of wet esterico has hit the ventilator and there is no turning back. The PRI is walking a razor blade. One act of federal police violence against innocent civilians will finish the PRI and leave PAN and PRD quaking in their boots. All of gobernacion knows this. Only arrogant state and local (municipio) officials have not gotten the word yet. Their fate is also hanging by a thread. It will not take much to set off a full fledged civil insurreccion and the crooks in politics are terrified of it happening.
Much of the state buildings in Chilpancingo Guerrero have been burned to the ground as of this morning. Same with the offices of the PRI. Ashes. This should not affect tourist safety or convenience in the slightest but it will - guaranteed. Timid people need the slightest excuse to demonize something.