support American campgrounds, restaurants, and other businesses and attractions by spending their dollars HERE.
We most certainly spend the majority of our meager income in the US. We do all the things you suggest. And we pay taxes too. When we travel - which is most of the time - we visit communities all over the US and spend money everywhere we go. We buy local whenever we can.
But we like to travel to see both new and old things. We like to see history. We see ancient pyramids in Mexico that exist nowhere else. We see colonial architecture that can be seen nowhere else. There are many reasons to travel. And then there is the food. And the people. We see so much in Mexico but we never seem to see any of the Mexico that is reported on the news in the US. We see so much that cannot be seen or found anywhere in the US. And in no way am I saying it is all good - we see the bad with the good - just as we do anywhere we go.
We are SCUBA divers and travel to Caribbean Islands and South Pacific Islands to dive.
We travel to Europe to see other ways of life and to get a better perspective on our lives and in our lives.
All of these things add to our lives - enrich our lives - improve our lives - we do not live sheltered lives - we do not isolate ourselves from the rest of the world.
In a global economy the money goes around and comes around.