I believe every government on earth is corrupt, I think that people who do not believe so are silly. As far as police....I have been pulled over several times (5-6 times I think)in my 9 years here and with exception of one on the way to Tijuana, I fought them in the court and won. The one in Tijuana I paid at the police station. People who support the bribery system I find silly too. If you receive a ticket in Mexico and you did the deed, you can pay it at the police station nearest to your infraction activity, if you do it within 24 hours the fine is cut in half.
I live on a dirt street, my next door neighbor is an open air mechanic who works on all my cars and vans. Almost all my neighbors are Mexican, there are a few gringos here and there but this is not a gated community, when I want to go to an event downtown with my wife I walk out in front of my house and a taxi will pick us up 9 out of 10 times within 5 minutes. I live in a very nice house about 2400 sq feet, my yearly taxes are about 50.00 usd, 600 pesos. I have not had a house payment in 9 years nor a car payment as we pay cash for almost everything. Because we have no debt we are able to save money for all purchases. I don't own a pair of rose colored glasses, I simply refuse to believe what your media teaches you to believe as I am here on the ground along with 65000 others in our little paradise of "mexico lite" a term you will understand.
If you ever took the time to find out the truth about this subject instead of believing the horror stories that you believe affect you, you would probably be a happier person. Bad things happen everywhere, most don't involve you. I guarantee I could get into trouble if I wanted to, I prefer not to.
Thanks for asking your questions though, I appreciate being able to answer them honestly for you. I hope this helps in some small way.