Well then I guess I better cancel all of my upcoming road trips with my clients, to Alamos, Guerrero Negro Baja, Los Mochis and the Copper Canyon, Chihuahu City, etc because the Government warned me.....The general consul in Nogales told me that these warnings are written to the lowest common denominator of travelers. This type of traveler would get in trouble going almost anywhere. He likened it to telling your kids to look both ways when crossing the street, but that's OK, you also can believe what you want to believe.
Mexico does not limit or scare it's travelers with warnings. When there was a mass shooting in Tucson a few years ago, one that took the lives of 6-7 and almost killed Gabby Giffords and injured some 20 others, I guess they should have told the weekenders that live in Hermosillo Sonora not to go to Tucson because of the massive violence. They didn't because this violence was very likely not to involve their shopping plans.
On second thought I think I will go ahead with my road trips as planned. Thanks for the warning.