I buy my chorizo de rancho from the lady with the cart in front of the pelucaria (barbershop). A short drive to a rancho that sells the best cheese. My next door neighbor makes the tastiest empanadas on the planet and most visitors haven't a clue stuff like this is going on while they dart between Louie's Steak & Lobster and a chaise lounge by a pool. Enrique sells outstanding moonshine mescal in gallon milk jugs, and perhaps the best bar-be-cue butane lighters in the world (Tokai) sit unnoticed on store shelves. Strange brand name, but made in Mexico and they have no peer north of the border.
Mexicans sadly note that most Americans come, pass their vacation and miss 99% of what Mexico could offer them if only they knew. When I gaze upon RV'ers passing through, there they sit in their RV's, allowing countless unseen wonders pass by like Mexico was a gigantic never ending diorama passing by their window. How sad.