Forum Discussion

tom68's avatar
Apr 16, 2015

12v fuse board

New to the forum hello all glad to be here.
I'll get right to the problem.
I have a fleetwood ralley year 2000 . I replaced the bottom of the magnitek 6300 series converter with a WFCO WF-8935-MBA 35 Amp Main Board Assembly.

The reason I switched is because the Mag was not charging batteries and 5 of the 8 fuses had 17v on them. Now I installed the wfco and now 5 of the 8 have .06 v which is nothing. the three that work have proper 13.6v Can't figure this out. This is when pluged into 30amp service.
  • I would guess you ought to remove the green wire, or connect it to the rest of the positive bus somehow. The best would be to figure out where its other end is: it ought to just go to the converter area, and probably isn't connected to anything there, but it's certainly possible that somebody could have altered things around in who knows what ways in the past. Working on older RVs (or houses or cars or whatever) can be somewhat akin to an archeological exploration at times.

    It would of course be best not to leave a live wire with the other end loose and not connected to anything.
  • Well I'm getting 13.5 all across the fuse board. I did what you said hooked up a red jumper from that middle top eyelet over to the red positive lug.
    leaving the green wire on also.
    Thanks for all the great tips from you guys.
    And a speicial thanks to DrewE.