Forum Discussion

Mondooker's avatar
Mar 06, 2016

2016 Newmar Canyon Star 3610 Slide. Why do they do that?

On Newmar's Canyon Star 3610, the drivers side slide has two runners (Steel Supports) at the bottom. They obviously support the slide but it also measurably decreasing the size of the bottom storage.

No other coach company does it that way, why does Newmar when space is always at a premium?

I'd show you a picture but haven't been able to figure that one out yet.

  • Newmar is the only one I've found with that kind of slide mechanism on a high end gasser. If that's the way they do it on a high end DP like Monaco, that's high raise isn't it?

    Thor Challenger 37LX even has a full side slide and is set up like the the other motorhome companies. The same motorhome companies meaning the slide rails cannot be seen on the bottom of the slide and it doesn't take up bottom space.

    I've not done my homework on the workings of slides as yet but is on my list. I'm happy to know from you guys that Newmar has a good one. It also helps it came from two guys I have great respect for!
  • Effy's avatar
    Explorer II
    I'd prefer that slide mechanism and the lack of space over a shwintek slide mechanism and it's risks.
  • Newmar was the FIRST to design and install slide rooms in RV's. They have a Patent on their design and slide mechanism's. Newmar Slide systems are ONLY used on Newmar as they own the design. Other RV makers buy their slide systems from aftermarket companies. So, they have built Slides for over 30 years using the almost same exact design and system and they have very few problems with their systems. We sold Newmar from 1994 till we dropped them in 2009. I am Service tech. Newmar slide mechanisms AND their slide seal system is by far the BEST ever designed and built. It is extremely rare to find a Newmar slide system that malfunctions and also, a Newmar SEAL systems that leaks. After a few years you may have to replace a defective worn seal on a Newmar, but they rarely leak due to the design. So, to answer your question, WHY fool around and change a 30 year proven design? They do NOT, and that is why you have those heavy duty steel ram supports. Doug

    PS, just saw your other post. Until 2009, we sold BOTH Newmar and Tiffin. The reason we dropped Newmar was because Newmar raised their prices for a comparable Tiffin and we sold more Tiffins instead of Newmar and could not sell Newmar's due to that. It was hard dropping Newmar as they build a very good Motorhome. Doug
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Newmar is not the only one... Monaco does it too and probably plenty more when you try and slide something that big that far out. Once you go out more than aprox 30" it takes serious support to hold it up, even if the refer is not in the slide.