Forum Discussion

larnbarb's avatar
Sep 20, 2014

Adhesive for side molding

Hi all
I have a 2012 190 road track popular. Some of the molding is loosening up on the side door. Need to find the glue that would work best to glue it back on. I know a while ago there was an exhaustive coverage of this topic. But for the life of me I can't find it in the archives. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanking all in advance for any help.
  • The things used to remove old adhesive from paint are simple but effective. At any decent auto parts store that sells the 3M adhesive tape, will also sell plastic single edge blades that look like single edge razor blades. Use a hair drier or heat gun on low to heat and soften the adhesive, then scrape it off. Use alcohol to clean the surfaces before applying the new tape. Stuff like GooGone works, but leaves a residue on the paint, it will clean off with alcohol too. It takes a lot longer than using the heat and plastic blades. used the heat and blades on every new car I've ever bought to take dealer badging off, it doesn't mark or scratch the paint. Even used it to take off ugly dealer applied pin striping etc. on old paint, there will be like new color underneath.
  • The prep is very important. Clean all the old adhesive off both the van, and the moulding. I use Goo Gone, and put a lot on and let it soak in. Use clean rags, it makes it easier. Its a little work but it will all come off, then clean both areas with alcohol before applying the tape.
  • Thanks Scott and Arizona. I'm going to try some of that 3M tape
  • What kind of molding? Could you use some 3M double sided tape like that which is used for side moldings, emblems and trim on new cars?