Forum Discussion

WesternHorizon's avatar
Jun 22, 2014

Block off cab-over window?

I would like to block off the cab-over, forward-facing window of my '95 Fleetwood Tioga Montara.

I don't see the point of this window. I guess they appeal to kids who want to lie up there, sans seatbelts, and look out at the road and possibly disaster rushing towards them.

For me it is just a huge source of solar gain which is not needed. If I want to look out while in bed I will just use the side windows.

I tried putting mylar foil/bubble insulation on the inside with spray adhesive. Fell off after about 2 hrs.

Has anyone done this with success? Here is something that might work:

SOLYX: SXF-5050 Total Light Blockout. 60" wide

Thank you
  • Eterna Bond tape will work permanently, regardless whether applied to the interior or exterior. Trim the excess with a razor blade.

    Plus, it comes in several colors.
  • Yes,it has a good curtain system installed by the previous owner but lots of southwest heat gets through. She had a leak too :(

    Spray painting from inside: Guess I could do it silver but what a mess with masking and everything.

    Rigid foam is a good idea too

    Spray painting outside: Seems easy but not sure how good it would look

    Tinting place: probably the best bet to get it down right

    Thanks all!
  • Skid Row Joe wrote:
    Eterna Bond tape will work permanently, regardless whether applied to the interior or exterior. Trim the excess with a razor blade.

    Plus, it comes in several colors.

    The advantage of EB-ing on the exterior is that you don't have to worry about leaks around the window, assuming the EB is overlapped enough and well pressed into place.
  • Hmmm ... I tried EternaBond to completely cover the exterior of the frame of our leaking cabover window and it didn't stay stuck at all to the glass. I don't think EternaBond sticks to glass well. It sure didn't in my case.