90 Southwind 454 Chevy P30 Chassis 98 Windstar in toad 4 down
Last November 7Pm 55 miles West of Sheridan Wy on I90 going up a hil at 70MPH hear loud "Bang" with total lost of power. Immediate;ly thought "Oh &*% I've blown the tranny"" Coasted to stop. Crawled underneath with flashlight surprized to find tranny intact, but discovered last segment of drive shaft missing! Contacted Good Sam (thank goodness I had reactivated my coverage before leaving on trip) Got excellent service and was towed into Sheridan campground. Of course being Friday night knew was stuck for several days. Fortunately there was truck service shop needby. They came out and measured for new drive shaft and early Monday got us on the way. No more problems on that trip and returned home.
However, in prepareration for another long trip east this summer, took unit for complete service (belts, fluids, lube, etc) discoverd lt rear springs. shocks were falling off, entire rear axle about to come out and tag axle supports broken!@
Upgraded to 99 Safari Zanzibar with 300 cat & 6 speed allison. 8400 miles trip completed in much more comfort than with Southwind!