Lantley wrote:
This is the 2nd time that the OP has experienced the so called theft of his left behind items. How many times does it have to happen before he changes his routine?
Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice???
Will the OP have to re-claim his stuff a few more times before he realizes it's not a good idea not to leave any valuables behind.
If the neighbor were any kind of real thief he would not have just left the stolen items in plain sight.
Right or wrong the neighbor assumed OP had left items behind and he claimed them.
The OP has learned not to leave his doormat or extension cord behind,hopefully he will learn not to leave any valuable behind.
Referring to those that claimed your other items as thieves is a stretch, I'm sure they considered the items forgotten and took them.
The rest of the CG does not know this site is/was occupied a B class motor home that is currently not there vs. look what someone left behind.
Its really not the hard to resolve, just take your stuff with you. It easy enough to do!
I don't think the op left anything particularly valuable in his site with the exception of the surge protector, which was locked up (and the thief tried to take that too!). Why do people assume they can take anything that doesn't belong to them? The "thief" should have turned the items into the office.