Steeljag wrote:
Effy wrote:
Steeljag wrote:
Sooooooo, if the guy in the class A leaves in his toad I can grab his rig ? The family in the TT takes off in their truck, the TT is mine ? The people in the truck camper ? Tent campers ? I'm mean, if, ummmmmm, I "perceive" they left, and " abandoned" their stuff ???
Again, keep your hands off stuff that does not belong to you !
Straw man argument. You are comparing leaving leveling blocks at a site versus my entire RV. Hardly worth even addressing such a ridiculous comparison.
If and comprehend !
Leveling blocks, cable, surge protector !
Does it matter what was left ? It's his property .......not some thiefs !
Wow crazy day today on the forum. I don't think you comprehend your own statement. You are claiming that the same logic applies to someone leaving in their car and Rv behind as fair game, versus leaving in their rv and leaving gear behind. If you think those 2 things are similar then here is no helping you. We could "what if" all day. Irrelevant and hollow but I guess if you really want to argue it's your only option.