Forum Discussion

jjson775's avatar
Mar 14, 2017

Campground Theft - Chapter 2

I posted on this forum 2 years ago after a similar incident that happened to us in Iowa, it stirred up a lot of controversy.

Last week we were in Fredericksburg, TX and were not happy with our assigned campsite. After 1 nite, the CG manager agreed to let us move to a better spot so we drove back to our site to get our stuff. When we got there, I noticed that our neighbor took our leveling blocks and was using them to hold his sewer hose down. Also, he had hooked up our TV cable to his trailer. I could also tell that he had tried to take our expensive surge protector, that I secure with a bicycle lock.

The people were not home so I taped a note to their door saying "You took our blocks and hooked our TV cable to your trailer. If you had taken the surge protector, I would have called Fredericksburg PD"

This is a risk we always run when we are gone for the day, leaving gear at the campsite. We never leave our doormat at the campsite, having lost several of them to thieves. We also never leave our electrical cable at the site because of the big nuisance if it is stolen.
  • I agree with some of the above posts. If you drove your 'B' to the office, leaving your stuff there, the neighbor probably assumed you ran off and left it. Not saying he did the right thing by gathering it up for his own use. But pretty iffy leaving things behind like that without making it clear you were returning. Don't know whether to classify that as a thief or opportunist.

    I have also seen things forgotten and left at campgrounds when people left. And I have turned them in to the office. I have left a few things myself and got too far down the road to go back to get it. Fortunately nothing expensive.
  • Technically you may consider this theft, but I imagine it to be life in the class B world. If YOU value those items don't leave them behind when you leave.
    There will always be novice campers that will think some one left these behind and consider them free game.
    If the neighbor camper really stole the items do you think he'd leave them in plain view! Do you think he'd be using your stolen cable?
    No the neighbor believed the items were forgotten and considered them free game vs. sneaking over and stealing them.
    I'm not justifying the neighbors actions, but I can see how and why it happened.
    Many campers are simply not aware that the guy in the class B is just gone for the day and will return.
    As a B owner I suggest you consider these novices and take you stuff with you at all times. Leave a sign or some non valuable item to stake claim of your site while you are away.
    Yes they are taking your stuff but they mistakenly thought it was abandoned and claimed your items vs. actually stealing them in the traditional sense.
  • It does happen though rare. Total jerk . I have found folks like that have more problems than one could ever want to know. Even back packing I have heard of this. Mostly folks are good
  • I can't tell you how many times I've pulled into an empty site and found water pressure regulators, surge protectors, cables and hoses left behind by the previous occupants.

    Your previous neighbor probably thought you'd left the campground and claimed the "abandoned" items. It's not right, and they should have taken them to the office. Quite often, the office will put those in lost and found and if not claimed will loan, give or sell them to someone who forgot something.

  • Not nice - but I have to ask, why would you leave that stuff behind? No excuse for the cable hookup, but maybe neighbor thought you were gone for good and left that stuff?
  • We've had zero problems with theft. We do lock the bicycles but the bbq, chairs, etc stay outside and are left alone. Please, name the park that this theft took place at so the rest of us could be forewarned. You might also review the park on RV Park Reviews.
  • Effy's avatar
    Explorer II
    Pretty brazen of a neighbor to take your stuff and use it right in front of you. What type of CG is this?