We are mindful of what we are putting into our RT but we always travel with tanks full of water, refrig fully stocked, 7 or 8 gallons of drinking water, clothes, fully stocked pantry.
No, never weighted it because it has never been an issue. We use a hitch mounted carrier when we are going to be gone for more than a week. I am very careful to only put light weight stuff on the carrier...usually a screen tent, chairs, things like that. I am mindful to never put more than a hundred pounds back there just to be extra safe.
I maintain our RT very carefully and it lives in a garage that is heated and air conditioned so it looks brand new after almost seven years.........BUT............we bought this thing to use, not abuse, but use. Candidly, I think sometimes some of us are a little excessive on the techo perftecto stuff when we travel. This ain't an airplane, it is a vehicle and we are going to use it and enjoy it to the fullest, literally and figuratively. That is what we bought it for.