ryegatevt wrote:
I don't know your camping preferences, but many CGs (like the KOA where we are now) specify "One camping unit per site". You'd have to convince them that yours is a cargo trailer only. You might have a debate if the trailer had a kitchen...
We have had that problem with my RVan at only one place... in the Keys during a lobster hunting festival and that was with my husband using a tent. They were pretty well booked solid. We left and at the place we did stay in Key Largo they accepted that our 17' RVan was the kitchen, living room, dog room, computer room and the tent was our bedroom. All this summer with the trailer and RVan we were never asked to pay twice for 2 people during the month we were traveling. Maybe because most campgrounds werent booked solid. Perhaps if there are multiple children and a larger trailer or camper they might want to charge more. So did any of us face this and where/when did it happen?
Like the dogs I follow the practice of "they dont ask, I dont tell" so I would just not show them the kitchen.