You'll likely be disappointed in any RV show's offerings in B's and small C's. They are rarely present in any numbers, usually not at all. Expect to get some / a lot of sales pressure to buy _now_, from what's on show, regardless of your wants/needs. Don't give in to the "bright/shiny/want it/ got to have it now-itis" illness.
I dunno where you're located, but internet research to find 'nearby' B dealers will likely be more productive. Go to the major B makers' sites, click on the 'Find a Dealer' button. You may have to travel several hundred miles several times in different directions to see a good selection. I have 4 RV dealers of various sizes within 50 miles. I still had to go about 150 miles to see any B's at all when I started out, and that was only two brands.
Also, you're going to need to narrow down your search, at least in one respect. There's a vast difference in both price and ownership experience between a well-used Rialta and a new or nearly-so Era. Newish is pricey. Older used is maybe better owned by someone with at least some DIY repair skills.
Personally, after 2 B's and the present small C, I lean toward Chevy Express-based B's. They consistently drive very well, can be serviced or repaired anywhere, have gasoline generators, and don't carry the big upcharge of a diesel.
Jim, "My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm always right."