Escargot makes a very important point about traveling in an RV. If you carry everything with you, you don't have to double back to your campground. In our travels, this would have been a real nuisance and time waster many times. For example the high road to Taos from Santa Fe, you stop at the various villages along the way up and camp in Taos. Also, along beautiful Hwy 138 in Oregon from Crater Lake. You stop at the trailheads at a number of places and hike thru beautiful scenery to spectacular waterfalls. In a big rig, what do you do? Drive all the way back to Crater Lake? 100 miles, then have to do it again when you continue the trip? No thanks, I have no desire to be chained to a Class A or big trailer. For a few hours extra comfort in the evening when you get back to the campground, you give up a lot by traveling in a big RV.