Hi Folks,
The wife and I have big fights over the fridge.
On the night before going out, I plug the fridge into 110 house current. I load up the freezer with bottled water and turn on the small fan. The next morning everything is cold or frozen. When I run the rv, I turn to 12 volt. (She wants me to run on propane because everybody else does it. I think it is to dangerous.)
When we get to Walmarts, I leave it on 12 volt, and move some of the frozen bottles to the fridge. (She wants me to run it on propane. I do not want to run propane while sleeping because I can not hear the alarms because of a hearing problem.)
I have found that 12 volt holds the cold until you open the door. For that reason I carry a small L. L. Bean cooler which seems to hold the cold better than the fridge. I carry daily drinks in the cooler. (She thinks the fridge is a piece of "turd" and we ought to get rid of it.)
So ends the story,
One question. While I am driving down the road, the generator of the engine is running and charging up the batteries. I believe the clock is on the microwave. Does this mean that when I am driving down the highway and put the fridge on 110, that it will run on 110?
Ought to check it out.